SCIS & Paragon Licensing Reference Guide
State or Licensing Entity | License # |
Alabama | 00026 |
Arizona | 1562853 |
Arkansas | B 2003-024 |
Arkansas | B 03-024 |
Boise (Business License) | LIC13-00057 |
California – Private Patrol Operator License | PPO 15678 |
California (Covina Branch) | PPB 5964 |
California (Sacramento Branch) | PPB 6146 |
California (San Diego Branch) | PPB 5965 |
California (San Francisco Branch) | PPB 6226 |
California Training Facility Firearm | 1258 |
City & County of Denver (Business License) | 1051761 |
City of Dover Busines License | 17-00026590 |
CNMI (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) – Business License | 19718-0001-1 |
Connecticut | AS-2432 |
DC – Private Detective Business License | 2098 |
DC – Security Agency Business License | SAB3296 |
DCJS | 88-1719 |
Delaware – Business License | 2016605737 |
Delaware Security License | 12-100-B |
Florida | B 2900106 |
Georgia | PSC001821 |
Guam | 13-201001461-001 |
Hawaii – Guard Agency License | GDA 975 |
Idaho Falls (Business License) | 5754 |
Illinois | 122-001289 |
Indiana | SG21200033 |
Iowa | PS: 2575, Agency: 1122 |
Kansas | A-5136 |
Kentucky (Louisville/Jefferson County/Metro) | 13ARM1002 |
Louisiana | 539 |
Maine | 07/004 |
Maryland | 106-3384 |
Massachusetts | W-799 |
Michigan | 3801206397 |
Minnesota | 1097 |
Mississippi – Hancock County | 2963 |
Montana | PSP-EPI-LIC-290 |
Nebraska | 437 |
Nevada | 1411 |
New Hampshire | SA-697 |
New Hampshire Occupational & Business License Permit | 13-1587 |
New Jersey | 1240 |
New Mexico | 2218 |
New York | 11000132959 |
North Carolina | BPN 004860 |
NRA Trainer License | X70342 |
Ohio | 2.00721E+11 |
Oklahoma | 11SGA3242 |
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia County) | CP-51-MD-0010542-2012 (MD-0011883-2010) |
Pocatello (Business License) | 12-00001154 |
Rhode Island | 250 |
South Carolina (SLED) | 2444 |
Tennessee | 11608 |
Texas | B13780; C08022 |
Utah | 8344158-6301 |
Vermont | 044.0002143-SS |
Virginia | #11-4665 |
Washington State | 672 |
West Virginia | 29481 |
Wisconsin | 16949-62 |