Protect key assets, operations and your reputation around the globe.
Every organization faces risk, whether it’s from bad actors with malicious intent, supply chain disruptions, or safety and security issues. Adding to these pressures is a regulatory environment that continually changes. How your organization faces these threats as well as industrial compliance requirements can make all the difference in the success of your mission.
Paragon Risk Management brings hands-on knowledge of today’s threats and how to counter them. We’re focused on designing and delivering effective risk management solutions for the U.S. federal government and its contractors across critical infrastructure sectors at home and abroad. It starts with a holistic approach: by understanding your complete environment, your assets, facilities, and operations, we can identify even hidden vulnerabilities.
To create actionable strategies—powered by Pinkerton and tailored to your unique needs and requirements—we apply our “Assess. Design. Deliver.” framework, ensuring we address every aspect of your workflow, your risk profile, and your goals.
We enable a comprehensive portfolio of solutions, including:
Risk Advisory Solutions
- Intelligence & Threat Alerting
- Location Threat Assessments
- Security Risk Assessments
- Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)
- Workplace Violence Threat Prevention
- Fire & Safety Risk Assessment
Protective Solutions
- Emergent Need Response Services
- Construction Security Services (ICD-705)
- Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TCSM)
- Industrial Security Compliance & Staffing
Investigative Solutions
- Online Monitoring & Inquiries
- Fraud Examination
- Background Inquiries
- Due Diligence Regulatory Compliance
With field offices across the U.S. and a global network of specialists in 90+ countries, Paragon Risk Management’s experts are always where you need them to be.

Cleared and experienced personnel

Process-driven for comprehensive, thorough support

Actionable insights, award-winning capabilities